Dre\’s Ramblings

City Stages is getting closer and a great pic
March 9, 2006, 2:06 pm
Filed under: Birmingham, AL, Catalyst, city stages

You can blame how I stumbled into Birmingham in part on City Stages. 1998 to be exact: the year of the Phil Collins fiasco. For those that know, that’s worth a separate posting all unto itself (but I digress). That visit led to seven years of thinking about moving here and, to some extent, this blog. When you first mention it, you kind of get that weird look until you learn of its beginnings and of the intentions of the organization. Well, yesterday’s Birmingham News placed this story above the fold. There are several bands that I probably would have never seen if I hadn’t attended the festival. I hope it helps the organization get out of the red and continue to bring a different, eclectic music festival to life.

If you have not picked up a copy of this week’s Birmingham Weekly as of yet… why don’t I just let you read the posting on the Catalyst blog.


Random shot of the week
March 9, 2006, 10:38 am
Filed under: Birmingham, AL, Photographs, Random shots

For those that don’t necessarily know Birmingham, AL (and I’m learning more all the time) the occasional random shot for you:

Looking south at the corner of 7th Avenue South and 29th Street South in the Lakeview district.

Comments on arrests in church attacks
March 9, 2006, 9:39 am
Filed under: church fires, Uncategorized

Some of the most interesting news to come out of yesterday’s arrest of suspects wanted for the church burnings in rural Alabama (dead link) was what came out of the college campus that two of the accused attended. The comments, made during a press conference on the campus of Birmingham-Southern College by their president, have been somewhat lost in the whirlwind of debate regarding proper punishment for the crime if they’re convicted. Attention has already been paid to the needs of the communities affected. This however, probably more than anything else since my arrival in town, provides a brilliant example of the existence of leadership willing to do things that are not necessarily expected or necessary. The college’s ability to step up in this time of need should serve as a call to arms for more people to figure out ways that they may be able to help rebuild the physical homes for these congregations. Perhaps it should also cause us to ask ourselves what we can do for our community, whether it’s asked for or not.