Dre\’s Ramblings

The Ramble: Local team could bring it home; a return to basics for music videos
May 30, 2006, 11:59 pm
Filed under: baseball, Television, The Rambles, The Tube

UPDATE! Here’s the link to the Montevallo game.

I’m blaming the meds for the error…

Sometime around noon Tuesday it dawned on me that the first image that I talked about in Monday’s post was not there. I’ve placed the image there now, so if you didn’t visit the Smugmug site you can at least enjoy that one.

The Falcons face elimination from the Spring Dance

The University of Montevallo Falcons baseball team is facing elimination from the NCAA Division II Baseball Championship tonight (Wednesday); not that you’d even know they were playing (except for Rick Karle’s shoutouts). They lost to the University of Tampa Monday after opening their series play with a classic 12-inning victory over West Chester University, the team that they’re scheduled to play and beat tomorrow evening to survive. Check the site for the tournament for previous game details. First pitch is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at Riverwalk Stadium in Montgomery. If I can find the online feed, I’ll post it here close to game time. It’s a great opportunity to support one of our local teams as they try to bring a championship home to the region.

Music television is back

Sort of. The Tube Music Network was launched by one of the original co-founders of MTV and VH1, Les Garland. A recent multicasting broadcast contract signed with Sinclair Broadcasting, owners of WB21 and UPN68, allows for the new music only television network to be broadcast digitally as it waits for cable companies to pick it up. What’s the difference between this and the other music networks? It takes more of a Jack radio station concept and currently only has music. This also means no VJs at all, making the music the star of the station. We took a chance buying our digital TV (only reason we did; it was a closeout & open box buy – read dirt cheap). I can tell you I’m getting to the point where I don’t miss cable that much. Though I’m wondering how long they can really go without the VJs… I guess we’ll see. Will it really replace our current MTV? Only time will tell, though there are many that may turn to it as an alternative when they tire of the countless reality and specialty shows on the station nowadays. Oh for the days of Club MTV, Remote Control and Sifl & Olly (a simpler time 🙂 ).

Hopefully what will be an interesting piece later,
