Dre\’s Ramblings

Random Shots: When signs told the rest of the story
May 4, 2006, 7:30 am
Filed under: Birmingham, AL, neon signs, Photographs, Random shots

Old Andrew's Bar-B-Q Sign in East Lake

While the barbecue may not be here anymore (the site no longer serves as a restaurant but as one of our ubiquitous “777”s), the sign is definitely one of the more notable landmarks of the East Lake commercial district here in Birmingham. You’ll still find the occasional cool neon signs, many still in use, throughout the city, hearkening back to bustling days of the Magic City’s neighborhood commercial districts. Hopefully we’ll be able to find ways to keep many of these signs burning brightly for years to come. This particular sign is located at the corner of 1st Avenue North (U.S. Highway 11) & 76th Street North.

Keep your eye out for them as you move around town this week.
