Dre\’s Ramblings

Neon in Birmingham: I’m bringing neon back, (yeah)

Pardon the cheese, it was on a bet from a few months back. I figured the safest way to begin a renaissance at the Ramblings (at least this version) is by restarting the Neon in Birmingham series. For those new to the game, we take images of all of the neon signs located in Birmingham, AL proper. Why? Just because…

SAS neon sign

This is one of the newer signs here in town. It belongs to the new offices for Sims Architectural Studio. The office was formerly located on 20th Street in the city center. Now they’re enjoying digs in what’s becoming another design district for the city along 2nd Avenue South.

The official homepage for the series has moved to the (soon to be) new home for Dre’s Ramblings. You can always check out the Flickr set for the series and visit the Magic City Flickr Group’s set for more images.


Neon in B’ham: A newer sign for a long time auto dealer on the east side
December 28, 2006, 1:19 pm
Filed under: Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham, AL, Neon in B'ham, neon signs


East Lake Auto is located near I-59 in North East Lake section of Birmingham. The current sign pictured here still isn’t as cool as the original neon sign that is no longer functioning. My urban landscapes professor (as well as my old boss in Savannah) would like the urban look of the dealership. Of course, all of this talk just means that I’m going to have to go out there one day and take a picture of the other sign.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the Neon in Birmingham series.

Enjoy the day,


Neon in B’ham: A sign in Vogue


Holiday greetings welcome you in their window while the warm glow of Vogue Cleaners’ sign lights up what became an otherwise overcast day in the Magic City. The business won an award in 2003 from the Birmingham Historical Society recognizing the restoration of the sign, originally installed in 1947. Click here to view the brief as well as to see what other projects won preservation awards at the local level in 2003.

Check out the rest of the series, or at least those that have been posted so far, on this page. There’s also the Smugmug and Flickr photosets.

Merry Christmas to all and safe travel to those of you that will be hitting the roads today.
