Dre\’s Ramblings

Neon in Birmingham: I’m bringing neon back, (yeah)

Pardon the cheese, it was on a bet from a few months back. I figured the safest way to begin a renaissance at the Ramblings (at least this version) is by restarting the Neon in Birmingham series. For those new to the game, we take images of all of the neon signs located in Birmingham, AL proper. Why? Just because…

SAS neon sign

This is one of the newer signs here in town. It belongs to the new offices for Sims Architectural Studio. The office was formerly located on 20th Street in the city center. Now they’re enjoying digs in what’s becoming another design district for the city along 2nd Avenue South.

The official homepage for the series has moved to the (soon to be) new home for Dre’s Ramblings. You can always check out the Flickr set for the series and visit the Magic City Flickr Group’s set for more images.


Change hits B’ham again; slow down and see what happens

As our friend (and fellow Magic City Flickr Group member) Curtis captured yesterday, we do “…live in interesting times.” This image shows that while some people would hate to admit it we do a lot happening at once, almost as crazy as one of those “New York minutes” everyone likes to talk about.


My Saturday trip to Ruffner Mountain reminded me that as much as some would love to do it all, maybe it would be nice to slow down every once in a while.


There’s been a lot going on in recent months. For those of you that are wondering, here’s a taste of the last couple of week’s posts:

A Sad Day for the Jaycees
The Dirt is Turned at Railroad Reservation Park Site
A Local Service Project that needs some attention
Ready for a ghoulish time in the Magic City?
Bright Blue Dots get larger in the Magic City

There are more, but I hope this gives you a taste of what’s been going on if you’re new.

Enjoy the day.
