Dre\’s Ramblings

The Ticker: One last look back at ’06, a challenge from an official and decision time for park supporters

Happy New Year to those that have taken the last few days to relax and enjoy yourselves. Here are a few links to some of the posts made in the last week, including a look back at the year that was and a look towards this one:

The Music of the Magic City Takes Center Stage as 2007 begins
The Year in Review: Let’s be realistic for 2007 (and dream a bit)
The Year in Review monthly review series (starting with December)

You may also notice as you pass over the links contained within posts throughout the blog that a small screen is beginning to pop up. Dre’s Ramblings is one of the beta testing sites for a new feature being offered by WordPress.com called Snap Preview Anywhere, or SPA. It’s a service of one of the newer search engine services, Snap.com. If any of you have any opinions or comments about what you think about it, please let me know so I can pass it on to the support team.

Thanks; now a short list today:

Robinson’s comments may lead to action

State legislator Oliver Robinson’s comments are bound to rub some of Birmingham’s Black community the wrong way when they are read this morning.

Blacks must act to emancipate selves, legislator says, The Birmingham News, 1.2.2007

Either that or there will be an voice that raises up in agreement with them, though many will not be sure just how to solve the issue of supporting local businesses. The issue exists with small businesses in general, when individuals are not quite sure what is available in their own back yard. Perhaps the words spoken by Robinson and others will lead to a longer discussion and solutions.

What to do now about the parks projects?

A recent decision by our national legislators threaten the future of several parkland projects throughout the state.

Earmark plan harms parks, The Birmingham News, 1.2.2007

There were many that were counting on the money for acquisition costs, most notably Red Mountain Park (talked about here). This recent wrinkle in plans and hopes for planners may finally weigh the true public sentiment for the park. It could provide a chance for the community to demonstrate its desire to have this facility constructed for them as its primary purpose instead of focusing on rankings among other cities per capita. The development of all three major park projects should be first and foremost for the betterment of its citizens. Hopefully, that will drive the future of the projects instead of prestige, especially when you consider the size of parks that serve similar purposes in larger cities.

The Ticker: See what happened “When the Levee Broke” at the Bottletree

I hope that everyone enjoyed the holidays. I sort of figured that people wouldn’t necessarily get into the Year in Review series (here’s the May post with links to the others completed so far) until I posted new links to the Taylor Hicks parade images. Well, there’s still a few more months to go. It also appears that I’m one of the few folks around town that decided to take an extra day off this week. Now I’m thinking that I should have taken off the entire week.


It seems that the Bottletree is hosting a two-night “D & D” (dinner and a doc) night beginning tomorrow evening. They’ll be showing Spike Lee’s “When the Levee Broke,” a moving chronicle of the issues still facing the people of New Orleans now more than a year after the damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina. Acts 1 & 2 will be screened tomorrow; acts 3 & 4 will be screened on Thursday. The film will begin both evenings at 8 p.m. We’ve talked about the devastation and the progress her, most notably this post with a link to images throughout the city. I have a strange feeling that more people may get it after seeing the film.

And even though it is a D & D night in Avondale, you still don’t have an excuse to not visit an area Jim N’ Nick’s tomorrow for lunch. We described the fund raising effort for Making Children Aware of Predators (MCAP) in this post. All in all, a great way to make the end of the year productive, at least in terms of helping others.

Til tomorrow,
